P.S. Audio Quintet? Worthwhile?

I'm hearing that this device would be beneficial for my system. I currently use a Tributary power bar with surge protection. Anyone have thoughts on what difference I could expect with a Quintet? I don't know much about power conditioning. Anything written on it seems to be from 2007 when it was released. This would be for the main system with Aerial speakers, Classe int. amp, Squeezebox Classic 3 and Wyred for Sound Dac 2. Appreciate your ideas.

Showing 6 responses by audiowoman

Thanks for the responses. Elizabeth - interesting idea to replace power cords instead, I certainly don't want a lateral move. What differences might I expect to hear from power cord replacements and what order should cords be replaced if not doing them all at once?
Alright - pulled the plug (pun intended) on the Pangea 9 gauge and 3 of the 14se's.
I'll let you know how it goes.
Well FedEX delivered the Pangea cords this afternoon. I put them on around 3pm, that 9 gauge is a big one - hard to fit it behind the audio stand, but oh so worth it!
Elizabeth - many, many thanks for this suggestion. I expected to hear a slight improvement at best......I heard a significant upgrade to the bass and overall clarity of the sound, my partner and I were quite flabbergasted and listened to tunes for hours this afternoon and later this evening.
I wasn't able to use one of the 14se's as the Squeezebox doesn't have that kind of cord, so I used it on my Samsung 50" plasma instead. Nice difference here as well, brighter colours, depth. Gotta find one of those wall receptacles now.
I owe you one!
We needed a new electrical panel in our home...perfect time to run dedicated lines to the stereo. Electrician ran two dedicated lines and new receptacles so amp is in one and source is in the other. Sat down to listen to a few tunes last night once he finally finished the work....two hours later I was still smiling and listening. Is there a burn in time on this where it gets even better?
Isochronism: I'm hoping for the happy ending - budget is about gone for stereo...by the way, I ended up with 5 Benno CD Towers in blue - you and I had done some research on the Italian designed cd storage options - and found them to be extremely expensive. The Bennos look great and I had some fun putting them together, the five store 1080 cd's, we figure we have space for about 300 left, so we had more cd's than we thought... hopefully you can do a screen from Vismara one day. Interestingly, that whole thread has been erased from the 'gon.