Using an External Hard Drive as a Music Server

Hi there, I have just found the most awesome thing that totally makes sense and just makes you say DUH!

PS Audio just came out with a $10 Iphone app (I have no affiliation and im sure other companies make them) that allows you to control any networked device.

This would mean anyone using there computer for audio can back up there audio to an external hard drive (Free of all of the computer interference) and be able to put it right on your rack and hook it up to a USB DAC without having to either compromise in cabling or having to go wireless. Also you can put it on your power conditioner.

Please tell me if I am wrong. But It seems to me that if you go this route, You save alot VS. a dedicated server and dont have to deal with a servers interface and possibly being able to use Itunes.

I hope this is right please tell me if im wrong, but I cant see anything to the contary. Hope this works and benefits many

Thanks a million. Toby
Ok I guess Im wrong, But you your sure you cant network control a hard drive while still keeping the data and remote control seperate but the signal direct from the external hard drive?

Thanks I guess to good to be true
Yes, you can do this (hard drive connected to your system). Apple/mac makes a product with this basic approach. There is a large variety of hard drives available, blue tooth, wifi, wired, et al. Several years ago when I was buying an external hard drive I considered this. I don't recall the specific hard drive manufacturer I looked at, but it allowed for this general approach (no iphone app at the time).

The thing I didn't like about it was the fact that many external hard drives are loud and that noise from one would drive me crazy in my listening room.