Throwing your gear under the bus

Have you ever had a piece of gear/wire that you knew was outstanding and then one day you decide to throw it under the bus only to find your self retrieving the same gear later down the road and wondering why you did such a thing?.

A full loom of JPS Aluminata wire was in my system only to be tossed under the bus because of upgradites. Now I am picking up the pieces and going back to what I knew was my last wire purchase.

Any gear thrower's here?
Oh yes. A CAL Alpha DAC. They went out of business and I sold it. I missed it so much that I bought another one. Sad, the replacement has never sounded as good as the one I sold.
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Yes, several times
Generally it is the result of making system changes over time and then saying to myself "I wonder what ______ would sound like in this system"
Where do I start, too many to list! Infinity 8 Kappas with Forte monoblocks that set up sounded awewsome. Sold it to buy a pair of B&W 801 Matrix IIIs and a Krell KAS 200S amp. I stopped listening for a long time. It struck me when I went over to my friend's house to listen to my old Infinity 8 Kappas and Forte monoblocks. Next Apogee Duetta Signatures with Threshold SA-1A monoblocks that sounded spectacular that sold to buy a pair of Apogee Diva's and Krell KRS 100s. The Krell KRS and the Diva's are way over rated. Thats just the speaker and amp examples! I cannot count the front ends! Turntable for CD Player!