Anyone successful in dealing with Tinnitus?

I have been experiencing ringing in my ears and think I may have it. Any recommendations?
Lots of causes--you need a good ENT evaluation--after that then possible treatments--none of which are terrific---need ENT to evaluate ----to make sure you don't have an acoustic neuroma etc --Rich M.D.
'"Quietus" [...] I hope this is real...'

It's homeopathic, which is means absolutely worthless.
Stereophile had it in their website news : "url=]Neuromonics Tinnitus Breakthrough?[/url].
I just read an article that suggested this: Put your palms left and right over both of your ears with your fingers behind your skull. Put your index finger over your middle finger and slide the index finger so it taps the back of your head and makes a drumming sound. Do this fifty times a day. This is not a joke....
I didn't notice my ears were ringing until I read this thread.

No, actually, I notice my problem is directly related to exposure to loud noises: city sounds, loud music, other things. If I try to avoid these for a few days, I notice the ringing subsides and my apparent hearing acuity and enjoyment of listening to music improves.

Give up caffine AND alchohol? Maybe giving up one would make it easier to give up the other...