Why did I get married?

I love my wife but WTF? Does anyone else have a problem with the old lady constantly whining? The volume has been turned down twice tonight to the point where I need to put a stethascope up to the speaker to hear it. I might have to try one of those herbal vaporizers as posted in another thread. Does anyone know of a legal way to sedate her after 8 PM?
Nothing's wrong with whining, every now and then. But if your wife saw this thread, how would she react?
I am inexpert in the reasons people get (and stay!) married, but I agree with the posts above suggesting that the strain over music is likely proxy for the other issues. Maybe a discussion of music habits could lead into other needed discussion. Meantime, if she's seen the Dead 125 times, maybe you can buy her some of the live sets getting put out on Rhino. Some sound pretty good -- I'm currently enjoying Hartford 77 -- and might make for musical olive branches you both enjoy. :) Best of luck!!! :)
If I refereed to my wife as old lady,things could get a lot worse.She never was into sounds,but she listens with me in the stereo/tv room.I got a concert block on my floor.Of coarse I quit spending money there was an improvement .I,ve been blessed.Good Luck
Put your jacket on and tell her you are going to a bar. Suddenly, she may "enjoy the music".
Mutual respect. Give and take. Some days you have to go with the flow. My wife and I are best friends. If she asked me to get rid of my system, I'd do it. Our relationship is worth a hellova lot more than twentyfive grand of electronics. So turning it off on occasion is no big deal.