Is seller negative feedback a deal-breaker ?

Just wondering how much influence negative feedback has with sellers and buyers out there. How much influence does it have on you?
As always, read the feedback and maybe contact the member who left the feedback to hear the story. Feedback mechanism is never perfect. On eBay all the negative of feedbacks I received were retaliatory in nature. eBay changed the feedback policy so that the seller can't leave negative feedback on buyers, which fixed that problem. On agon the member receiving the feedback has an option to disapprove the feedback, which renders the feedback ratings pretty much useless. I've tried leaving a couple of negative feedbacks to other members and none of them went through.
Check the disputes threads, there is alot of "negative feedback" posts, some of them are thought provoking.
i like to read teh comments. you can sortof glean just how happy people were with their purchases, which helps.
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I wouldn't let it turn me away if it was a lone negative among many positives. I know that I personally had a bad experience as a seller here on Audiogon with a real psycho. Even though he was unreasonable and dishonest in our transaction, I just wanted to protect myself and my positive feedback, so I let him have his way. My point is that sometimes, a good seller will get a bum rap from a bad buyer, and vice versa.