there are 4 answers; refer to them by number

Okay, I'm not busting on anyone.

It seems to me after reading and writing many posts here that we can simplify many of our answers (and save a lot of typing) by using one of four stock answers, and referring to them by number:

(1) alternative a is better
(2) alternative b is better
(3) neither is better, but it is system dependent
(4) it's all subjective, go with what sounds good to you

I'm kidding of course. I greatly appreciate all the time and effort people go to try to help one another out. But it is amazing how hard it is to get a conclusive take on anything in audio.


1. Yes.

2. No.

3. Ask the maker of your product yet?

4. Sorry but you need to throw more money at it.
(this one always upsets the DIY crowd)

5. Home depot
(this one always makes the DIY crowd happy)

6. Just move your chair

7. Everything matters!

8. No, I've not had/tried what your asking, but...

9. RWV

10. Only one way to find out...

11. Well, there's always stamp collecting.