exactpower ep 15A

I'm looking at the above mentioned unit available used in an audio boutique in my vicinity. I've read a lot of good comments on it here.

I went to look for more info on it directly on Exactpower's site and found out it wasn't in their actual product line anymore. Technical data not beeing my stronghold, I wander if their new units use the same technology as the EP 15A and if not, why ?

Thanks !
I love my EP and my SP but I'm afraid Exactpower as a consumer product may be dead. The company was sold last year to Middle Atlantic Products Inc. They will be marketing full building systems under the Exactpower name but NOT using the patented Exactpower technology, which was light years ahead of stuff like the PS Audio Power Plant Premier. Sad, very sad.

The new website for the consumer products is now http://www.exactpoweraudio.com

The original website, http://www.exactpower.com is now being used to present the commercial products.

But keep checking. I've been talking to the president of Middle Atlantic trying to convince him that promoting the consumer products is the key to success in the commercial/industrial sector. Wish me luck ;-)

In the meantime, I wouldn't discourage anyone from buying even a used EP-15A, as they're very efficient and quite reliable when "used as directed" ;-)

Thanks Neil,

I had a look at their website at the provided address. They specifically say that they will not repair units which are out-of-warranty. That is quite a downer !

Where could we get service for a product that has such a unique technology ?

Good luck with your negociations !
Regards !

I have the exact Power EP 15A and had a issue. I called and no service unless I wanted to pay $$$$$$$ for them to trouble shoot. I had my plant electrician check it out and it was a 5.00 part needed that he picked up from a electrical supply. I would not think twice on buying another. If you really look inside there is little that can go wrong that cannot be serviced locally to my knowledge.
I think Dave is right, plus the guys in the old Exactpower plant in Chatsworth CA (MAP is in NJ) are about to be let go I fear. So unless you can fix them yourself, you're out of luck, at least for the time being.

I hope that if I can't get MAP to start making the consumer units again, that maybe they'd be willing to license or sell the patent to someone who will.
EP did sell to MAP. The reason (I'm told by MAP) they discontinued the EP15A, SP15 and Ultra Pure units is two-fold in that the manufacturer of the boards (or other parts) they need is no longer in business together with the fact that (for the balanced power units) they have stopped making balanced power devices as they are now reportedly illegal for residential use according to MAP. MAP has come out with new products in some categories for audiophile & studio use for noise suppression & filtering. One of them that looks extremely capable (and the successor to the UltraPure I) is the EP-WSC-15R...