exactpower ep 15A

I'm looking at the above mentioned unit available used in an audio boutique in my vicinity. I've read a lot of good comments on it here.

I went to look for more info on it directly on Exactpower's site and found out it wasn't in their actual product line anymore. Technical data not beeing my stronghold, I wander if their new units use the same technology as the EP 15A and if not, why ?

Thanks !

Showing 4 responses by zephyr24069

EP did sell to MAP. The reason (I'm told by MAP) they discontinued the EP15A, SP15 and Ultra Pure units is two-fold in that the manufacturer of the boards (or other parts) they need is no longer in business together with the fact that (for the balanced power units) they have stopped making balanced power devices as they are now reportedly illegal for residential use according to MAP. MAP has come out with new products in some categories for audiophile & studio use for noise suppression & filtering. One of them that looks extremely capable (and the successor to the UltraPure I) is the EP-WSC-15R...
I know its a bit off topic with respect to this thread being EP focused however I loved the EP15A when I had it in the system. I've recently been using a PurePower APS 2000 and have not heard the likes of it from any manufacturer of active or passive power conditioners. It is well worth checking out...the results are amazing!
Nsgarch: Thanks....I was surprised to hear the bit on balanced power and residential applications from MAP too as companies like BPT, Equitech and Furman all still make great units in this category. BTW, MAP referenced the NEC Article 647.3 on the subject when I talked to them via phone.

I have an EP15A for power regeneration for my front-end equipment and am quite impressed. I was sorry to hear that they discontinued the EP, SP and UltraPure I offerings...

Thanks for the advice...good luck with your conversation with Bob S. at MAP.
I don't remember what MAP told me however I do think they will tell you over the phone or point you to a local dealer if one exists for you that will give you this info.