is audiogon good for the audio industry or bad?

I am not a dealer so my input is only based on my limited actions...but, since I discovered audiogon and became a member and active user, I have raised thousands of dollars by selling equipment that had been stored in my basement because "trade-in values" are so low that I would have rather stored this equipment just in-case I one day needed it. I then re-invested those dollars, plus other dollars and then sold equipment that I was planning on living with and invested those dollars as well to basically upgrade 1/2 my system which I had no imminent plans to do prior to AG. The result is that I have now spent thousands and thousands on equipment over the last 6-months which I would not have done without AG. Absolute Sound drives me into retailers and listening rooms, helps educate me and helps create my wish list, but, AG helps me make it a reality. The result is that I spend far more $$ on equipment...which by the way, drives me to buy absurd amounts of source material through acousticsounds, etc...
There are at least two distinct Audiophile groups. One is an interactive group who might include DIY, long time music lovers, long time audio junkies, new people who aspire to be one of the above. The common thread is we all are “looking, searching, compulsively addicted” to “finding” the perfect sound.

We try equipment, we take advice, we give more advice, we try other stuff, and we even force our families to adapt to our needs. We hide our latest purchases in the closet until “the wife” is away. We plan our schedules to intercept those purchases before they arrive. We always come clean with the real price, out loud to our friends “yea, I picked up this $20,000 amp on the Gon for $1200!” The code amongst us is to never use real numbers, in the prior instance, $1200 is code for $12,000. Oh and power cords never cost more the $75!

This group as described above might sound familiar. THEY ARE US! And we love them all dearly. These people research, shop on line with little regard for security, share their latest discovery, often as THE BEST must have. We defend our views with passion and know we are right, until the next purchase, then we, and only we discover something even BETTER! Yes we are the Audiogon community, and we love our friends who share this addiction.

The other group is the B&M guys. This is doctor uptight, home from twelve hours of brain surgery. Very uptight, very stressed and VERY wealthy. Yes his collage tuition is long paid off, his home is well stocked with all his family needs, and he needs a place to escape. He discovered music as a teen, but never took the drugs required to fully understand its meaning. He went off to collage, and never looked back. Then he was at a friend’s house for a cocktail party. He discovered a very impressive sound system and asked where he might find the same. The next week he entered the B&M store, claimed he needed the “BEST” sounding system they had, wanted it delivered to his home and set up properly. When asked if he wished to hear it first, the doctor replied, “oh yea, but I only have a minute.”

OK, I know I over amplified that, but these people do exist. Actually enough of them to keep a couple well stocked stores open in each community of a couple million people. Fact is we the Audiogoners might actually be the minority here, again. I have a feeling the “I just want the best sound where I can escape from my high pressure life” guy is more common than we think. These guys would never discover Audiogon for they do not seek knowledge or bargains. As unlikely that the B$M buyer will find Audiogon, the typical A’goner would hardly plunk down full price for gear he knows he can find discounted from someone.

The lose to the A’goner is the local help and service. Of course this too is available on line, and from a far greater community of offerings. So what we lose is the chance to hear what ever system they are selling. For me, I have never walked into a store and seen the system I would choose to put together. They are restricted by who they represent. On Audiogon I am free to learn, test and purchase every brand on the planet! This for the Audiogoner is heaven, to the doctor above, it might well be hell.

Essentialaudio, please see this in the light it was written. Your points are excellent, and I only wish you were in my community...
Sorry if it's already been said, did not read all the replies. I think it's definitely not bad. It's a community that perpetuates people's interests in audio equipment and also attracts others to the hobby. I remember a study at the height of the illegal music download hype (actually, that is still going on, isn't it?) showing that songs heavily trafficked illegally online actually had their legal sale increase, not decrease as a consequence. Such studies are very hard to do, yes, and prone to all sorts of errors, but it does make sense that this type on online trading community works to some extent as advertisement and popularization for the industry.
I would happily spend my money at Essential Audio. I just spent 2000 at Magnolia hifi in Los Angeles. One point that I was trying to make is shops should be welcoming us into their doors as foot traffic is a good thing. We may not spend money every time we go into their doors but we do spend money. And of course I agree that nobody should be wasting people's time. If you are buying off the used market, there is much advice and reviews to be had on line as well. Maybe audio shops should have a button at the front door that says, "I am an audiophile, please be kind." lol
I think its a bit smug to say you basically use stores for demo then go buy from the net, you should come clean with them and pay them some fee for your "education" as I doubt you would like it dont to you and your business. I buy here and also pay what dealers charge and love the service and relationship a dealer offers
As far as trade, how can you prove this either way especially since there are used markets for everything. I can say that it doesn't contribute to the GNP.
Audiogon forums definitely help everyone because it allows communications and shared experiences and raises everyones level of understanding which is something that an independent audio industry will never be able to provide. Do you think the used car dealers are bad for new car dealers or the automakers? Now that I think about it, maybe we should leave the automakers out of this!