ZYX cartridges

Can someone explain to me the heirarchy of ZYX cartridges? I guess I know that the Universe is top of the line (though the Atmos may be even more expensive). But beyond that there seems to be umpteen different variations of the Airy model, called "2", "3", etc, with silver vs copper windings, etc. Since these are said to work well with my Triplanar tonearm, I am thinking of making a purchase, but I am completely confused regarding their product line. Thanks.

Showing 4 responses by markd51

In the Industry Directory on this group's home page, go to Sorasound, this is Mehran's business in Chicago, and he is the USA Main Distributor, and who you would purchase from if you are in USA. When getting to his site, click on ZYX, and there you will find info, and reviews. Mark
Redtop might be referring to me, I run a VPI, and have a Denon Table as well.

Well, doing a comparo, my mint 35 year old Shure V-15 III with Jico SAS kicked the pants off of my Benz Ruby 3, and Airy 3, and will give Doug Deacon's ZYX UNIverse a "real run for the money"!

It will outrack any Cartridge on the planet, and since I'm such a nice guy, I "might" let this oustanding Shure go, as a special today, just for you A'goners for the steal price of $4,000. You don't want to pass this "once in a lifetime opportunity" up! I'll even throw in another 35 year warrantee to boot! Mark
I agree with what Doug says about comparing ZYX Cartridge output of ZYX, versus other common brands.

This was at least my personal finding, comparing a Benz Ruby 3, at .34mv, to the Airy 3X, at .24mv output, in that they were very, very close, with the Benz appearing to have ever so slightly more gain, to be almost indistiguishable.

Of course, my previous post was a comical tongue in cheek, which I'm sure everybody took as such.

In this hobby on these various forums, there will always be those who will be proponents, detractors, axe grinders, who have agendas in which no matter how good a product may be, they will of course have a differing view. And they are entitled to such, if I feel thier findings are truthful experiences.

But, of course, without substantial evidence-proof to support such claims, this then is an easier matter to sift through which is fact, and what is fiction, and that is what most of us "try" to do in these forum's posts.

Although I haven't sampled other ZYX Cartridges to be a personal judge of thier worth-value, I've basically concluded from reading what many countless others have posted about thier various ZYX Models they've owned, that the ZYX Brand is one that deserves-commands respect, as truly outstanding Cartridges very worthy of consideration of any serious Vinylphile.

I conclude that ZYX will have an offering that will at least at minimum "compare equally", but more than likely will "favorably best" any other brand within a like price range. Although ZYX are not "cheap" Cartridges by any means, I see them as an extremely good value for the monies spent. My Airy 3X will NOT be coming out of my system anytime soon.

And I'll vouch again for Mehran, as being the very best man in the business to deal with. They don't come any better than him. Mark
Of course Raul, for one to try to compare a Cartridge that might be pushing 40 years old, such as a Shure V-15, regardless of how good the Cartidge was way back when, and how new the Stylus is on it currently, it would not be a worthy evaluation comparing such a Cartridge, with a new Cartridge of today.

Same would hold true, with a Dyanvector XV-1, ZYX UNIverse, Lyra Titan, 20-30 years down the road.

So, with that being said, users, such as yourself, Redtop, and countless others may in all actuality be giving truthful, accurate accounts, that would make a person like Redtop say, that "a crap Cartridge like the Shure V-15 was one valid reason analog took a mighty plunge with the advent of CD many years ago.

Of course, this is not true, and as an example, should I "hypothetically" decide to buy a used Dynavector XV-1 from a seller, a Cartridge that has recieved many accolades, just like the Shure V-15 III did many years ago, and get a poor, or damaged sample, it would then not be fair, or accurate to judge such a Cartridge, saying that the XV-1 was not as good as a "hypothetical" brand new $249 AT-150MLX, and that the XV-1 displayed "rolled off lows, and highs" such as Redtop once stated about the Shure V-15 III.

Opinions are of course like you know what, we all have them. And of course, under such circumstances, it then becomes hard to accurate judge-assess any given Cartridge.

And as you wisely point out as well, the different synergy from one system to another will have to be taken into account. Certainly, not one of us have the exact same system, with the exact same sound qualities to produce what would be a rock solid basis. And as wll, do we all possess the exact same ears, or sonic "likes". Mark