ZYX Airy 3 or Atmos

The heading says it all. I am trying to decide if I should go for the Airy 3 or Atmos. I wonder what would be a good match for my TT and arm.

My TT is Michell Gyrodeck with its own arm. I want to improve upon my Audio Technica cartridge. I listened to all kinds of music. Thank you for your feedback

Showing 12 responses by gallant_diva

Now that I have the Micro Seiki, RX-1500 (with gun metal platter), the thread has a new context. The tonearm is SME 3009R. I am thinking of the UNIVERSE.
Doug, Mark and Dmcoombs: Thank you for yoru insight. I did search for threads for ZYX and read some but I did not see Dough's useful review. Doug is right on and answers several of my questions.

The thing is that my TT is pretty modest, at least compared to the rest of my system., and now I am trying to improve it. During my "audio depression time" (the primary reason being the Sony SACD XA777 player which sounded so horribly digital), that even my present TT sounded much better. My music collection is pretty enormous, consisting of over 2000 CDs, and about 200 LPs. Being a very happy listener with my TRL moded CD player (which replaced the Meridian Reference player), my focus had been on Digital. But now I am pursuing vinyl seriously and the problem is I set very high standards and I am not easily satisfied. The table I heard was a friend's loan, with the same Gyro Table that I have but with a Moerch arm and ZYX Airy 3. I liked its sound. I want to do better but in steps.

Cartridge improvement would be the first step. Most of my questions have been answered by you guys except I wonder if Atmos would fall short in treble and sound too bass-heavy. Rock music is fine for me but I also listen to a lot of vocals which must carry enough top and not dry. While other areas of sound are also important to me, I fell human voice is the ultimate test of s stereo system. Doug’s review says that the Atmos eclipses the Airy 3 in all areas and yet it is more rock oriented and somewhat shy in the highs. Dough, did I interpret you right? If so, I rather go for the Universe.
Put it anther way, if I purchase the Atmos, will I be missing anything that the Airy 3 offers?

Another question that comes to my mind is whether the Atmos (or the Airy 3 or Universe) would be good match with the Michell arm? Or should I at this stage also purchase a Moerch. By the way, how does the Michell Gyro rank with other mid-level tables? I might eventually upgrade these components but will prefer to purchase the cartridge at this stage as a long-term investment.

I appreciate your comments on the extra weight option and copper/silver/gold selection.

Doug: I have the Musical Fidelity Phono Stage but am working on developing a new stage on the principles of my X-2 pre-amp.

By the way, I still plan to go with Mehran, if I am make up my mind to go for the Atmos or Airy 3 (or even Universe).
Hello Doug, Thank you again. Now, you have put me in trouble. I am thinking if going for the Atmos is a good idea at all.... why not go for the Universe. The only problem is I must listen before I buy. My ultimate test for anything in audio is my own ears.....mmmm.......

You did answer my additional questions.

Regarding your first question, why gallant_diva needs a stereo. Well, that is like aksing why we need oxygen.

Regarding a date, invite me to your place for a listening sessions. Where do you live? The moniker "diva' was chosen to intrigue people, males and females alike, and motivating them to reply to me. ....seem it works. And after people see me with my long white beard with dracula style yellow teeth, it all starts making sense.

Thank you for the compliments and the suggestion. I do not care if the cartridge is MM or MC or any other kind. It all depends on the synergy between the components and what sound you like. I listened to the Airy 3 myself and hence am interested. Did you compare your suggested cartidges with the Airy 3? And how can I audition them?

I do not understand you really. Currently, I have Audio Technica, which is MM. I heard the ZYX Airy 3, which is MC, and I realy like it, and much better than what I have. Are you syaing I stay with what I have or try other MM cartidges that I have not listened to?
Hell Raul: many thanks for your suggestions. Just a quick question: Did you listen to the Airy 3 or atmos?
Doug: I am inclined to go for one of these ZYX cartridges even though I am pretty cool (in fact more it would be more appropriate to say that I am learned through hard way) when it comes to audio purchases. As you said it is our own listening that is the final test. I am through the stages of making mistakes based on recommendations made by people. On top of that my system is so ruthlessly and shamelessly revealing that it drops the pants all the way to the ground with no thread left to conceal anything. So I must listen to something in my system before I buy. On the one hand, every high-end audio equipment is great (because it makes someone happy). On the other hand, every audio equipment is junk (because it may not make me happy). So what matters is what is junk and not junk *for me*. So it is is all relative.

For the very same reason I am only considering the UNIVERSE not really deciding (because I have no listened to it). I listened to the Airy 3 and hence it is on the top of my list. I did not listen to the Atmos but it is still on the top as well because of its similarity with the Airy 3 and with knowledgeable people like yourself giving detailed comparisons (that part I take very well). You are right about others providing only guidance. And I would be curious aout Raul’s recommendations, especially the Ortofon. But I must listen to something before I buy. By the way I stopped reading magazines 4-5 years ago and I look for a review only for some reference now because I think I know my own taste more than a reviewer does.

I will be glad to stop by if I am in CT area. Yes, I am committed to improving my vinyl but slowly and only if I can listen to something first. One of the best sounds I heard have been with the Rockport Sirius TT, one was at Mike Levine’s place. So vinyl is under consideration but I am also looking at tape decks.
Hey Anthony: Good to hear from you here also. yeap, you loan was very useful and it is good. Are you not gonna trying some MM cartridges?

By the way, on many occasions you said the sound you hear was the best you everr heard. Now is it only one of the best? hmmmm :):)

just kidding with you!
I ended up with neither. My final selection is Ortofon A-90 which will go on the Micro Seiki RX-1500. Initially I will install it using the MSE 3009R but I am thinking of the Graham Phantom II.