Zu Omens Vs Dali Vs Vandersteen Vs Sonus Faber

This post is FYI for those wondering about the quality of the Zu Omens (Don't worry, Be Happy and get them!):

At my personal recommendation, two friends here in Tucson bought Zu Omens, and one replaced her floor standing Dalis with the Omens and another replaced his Vandersteens with the Omens. He recommended them to two other friends here in Tucson who replaced their speakers with the Zu Omens. Once of the pairs replaced were Sonus Fabers.

I imagine that the Soul Superfly's are better of course.

BTW, I have Zu Druids. I am hesitant to replace them because I like them so much that I have painted them piano black and put granite bases on them. They bested (for my preferences of course for immediate rich sound) some Dynaudio, Dali, and Spendor floorstanders. However, I have not heard the Zu Omens and Druids in the same room. However, at another person's home the Omens sounded wonderful. Similar magical sound as the Druids with perhaps a little more bass and they are certainly less imposing in size (but not in quality) in the listening space. Hmmm, maybe I can get a pair of Omens and paint them piano black...

Showing 1 response by sebrof

03-11-11: Mapman
I've read some unconfirmed frequency response measurements on some Zu speakers in blogs (not always the most reliable source for these things and can't remember which Zus exactly, Druids perhaps, but not the newer models) that were not favorable at all from a flatness perspective. The full range drivers used were indicated as the culprit.<<

I did a little reaserch regarding this before I bought my Omens, and although not conclusive (it is the internet after all) I think this info may apply:
The Zu speakers in question were Druids, which are bottom porting. The floor gap/spacing is critical to get them to sound their best. The online mag that did the testing always hangs the speakers in mid air, I suppose to mitigate any boundry anomolies (floor, ceiling, walls).
But I didn't find anything to support this.