Zu Essence vs Devore Nine vs Maggies

Greetings all! I currently have some Dynaudio 52Se monitors with a REL R-205 sub and am looking for something with the same or better quality sound, yet a deeper, richer, more engrossing sound. I've considered the Contour series floorstanders, but haven't heard them.

My room is 15x25 with a vaulted ceiling 8-10ft. Speaker placement is on the long wall on the short side of the ceiling. I run a Sony ES CD source to a Rogue Perseus tube preamp with a Quad 909 SS power amp. I'd like to spend $1000-3000 (used, preferably).

I've auditioned the Magnepan 1.6R and loved them quite a bit. I've also heard the ProAc Response D2, Dali Helicon, and Devore Super 8. Honestly, I really like the Magnepan, especially for the price. I also really liked the Dali, but it's too much and the Devore Nine killed the Super 8 to me, but again is a little pricey. After much reading, I think the Zu Essence might be what I want and at a great price now, $3500.

So... has anyone heard the new Essence and compared it to the Devore Nine? Also, would my setup be too much for such sensitive speakers? I like everything from jazz trios to arena rock. For that amazing encompassing "live", rich sound, with clear detailed highs and nice lows, can I beat the Maggies? To be fair, I had a whole week to audition them at home while all the others were at dealers.

Thanks in advance, Dave, Austin, TX

Showing 1 response by undertow

Go for the Zu... 60 day return your out shipping only if don't like them for the 2 months time. Any amp will drive them fine, they are far less finicky about high or low power, and have a very high impedance like 16 or 12 ohm so no problem there.

I think you would have to hear them in your room to really get a verdict. Obviously they are getting great reviews so they are no slouch. I owned the upper line Def 2's, which were more finicky due to being a 6 ohm speaker and having separate amplification for the subs. I had to sell a house and lost my dedicated room and these speakers required large space. These new essence are a better package for the price especially with the new Ribbon tweeter's...

The Zu's have extreme dynamics and soundstage, some say its too BIG! I love being in that live surrounded enriched sound field just as you state. The Zu's should do that no problem, and from my understanding the new essence are extremely placement friendly so should not take much to get the setup working well in your room in several different speaker positions.

Most other dynamic drive speakers accept horns sound flat compared to the Zu's, they also have no passive parts on them in the critical bass and midrange driver, straight thru no crossover. They are very natural and dynamic with nice full shades of tone that lack in other more steril models. Oh and 10 watts will sound like 1000 watts on them!

Good luck