Zu Essence vs Devore Nine vs Maggies

Greetings all! I currently have some Dynaudio 52Se monitors with a REL R-205 sub and am looking for something with the same or better quality sound, yet a deeper, richer, more engrossing sound. I've considered the Contour series floorstanders, but haven't heard them.

My room is 15x25 with a vaulted ceiling 8-10ft. Speaker placement is on the long wall on the short side of the ceiling. I run a Sony ES CD source to a Rogue Perseus tube preamp with a Quad 909 SS power amp. I'd like to spend $1000-3000 (used, preferably).

I've auditioned the Magnepan 1.6R and loved them quite a bit. I've also heard the ProAc Response D2, Dali Helicon, and Devore Super 8. Honestly, I really like the Magnepan, especially for the price. I also really liked the Dali, but it's too much and the Devore Nine killed the Super 8 to me, but again is a little pricey. After much reading, I think the Zu Essence might be what I want and at a great price now, $3500.

So... has anyone heard the new Essence and compared it to the Devore Nine? Also, would my setup be too much for such sensitive speakers? I like everything from jazz trios to arena rock. For that amazing encompassing "live", rich sound, with clear detailed highs and nice lows, can I beat the Maggies? To be fair, I had a whole week to audition them at home while all the others were at dealers.

Thanks in advance, Dave, Austin, TX

Showing 5 responses by daveed_tx

Wow, lots of good thoughts, guys. Thanks!

Marty, I've heard the MMG on the exact setup as mine and it was impressive. I only heard for an evening. I had a week to audition the 1.6 in my space and liked them so much more. Haven't heard of Rhythmik, but I'm sure my REL is good enough. Thanks for the ideas - been thinking about room correction for awhile.

Everyone, the 909 does well with the Maggies (as well as the Theta my buddy runs on them - they are his speakers I borrowed). He runs them biamped though and he said that makes a marked difference. So yes, visual size of the speakers and possible need for a second amp (plus cables) don't make it ideal. Likewise, the need to possibly trade out the 909 for a low-watt SET or other amp for the Zu might be an issue. Neither seem perfect, but I was wondering a general preference. Seems tied, which is good. I can go either way. Will definitely audition the Zus!
All, thanks for the posts!

Still sounds like for the sound and the money that the Maggies are the way to go. I'd still like to audition the Zu, but lots of you seem to like the Devore Nine better and having heard them I was very impressed. Also seems like the $5-10k retail range is where most "box" speakers start to get really good.

Still wondering about placement issues. I can really only safely place them a max of 36" into the room.

Thanks for the input and discussion. Keep it coming.

Tvad, always like your input on the Forum.

Philefreak, the Gemmes look great. New to me. Very cool!
Awesome input everyone.

Bmckenney, any thoughts on determining how to match speakers to your amp, room size, dimensions, and where they can be placed? A link or resource?
Bmckenney, my room is pretty well treated. I have curtains behind the speakers that cover most of the long wall. The other three walls have DIY panels that help a ton! Even though the floor is laminate, we have a big throw rug, which also helps. The couch is actually 3 feet into the room off the opposite wall from the speakers. I need to post pics to my System profile.

Magnumpi205, thanks for the recommends, I'll look into the Gershman. The Maggies are such a steal that a new amp and bi-amping might be worth it or at least equal the price of a quality floorstander. However, the
Hey all! Thought I'd let you all know I'm going the Maggie path for now. Actually starting at the MMG because of WAF. Maybe over time she'll let me move up to the 12, 1.6, or 3.6. In the meantime, I'm excited about the ability to tweak slowly. I have one REL, might get another and RTA my room as suggested by Martykl above. I'm also looking at Peter Gunn (Magnestand) mods to the MMG or whichever model I have when that time comes. Life is good!