Zerostat Milty really?

Ok. So I have massive amounts of static at times when playing vinyl. So much so that it can pull my arm from my table (Thorens TD-124) onto the platter when removing the lp. I am worried I will ruin my stylus when it hits. So I bought the Zerostat and have been using it according to the instructions and the static is still out of control. Is this thing for real or what? Am I doing something wrong? Please help. 

Showing 2 responses by fsonicsmith

To add to what Lewm said above, you need to learn how to use the Uncle Milty correctly. It does work. You hold it a foot away from the record and squeeze the trigger as slowly as you can and then do the reverse (releasing as slowly as you can) while slowly pulling the gun further away from the record surface. Using the new Audioquest carbon fiber brush (cheap at $20!) and licking the fingers of both hands and then using the AQ brush while holding onto a grounded piece of gear with the other hand will also work. I do both with every record I play. And Lewm is also right about the most likely cause of your problem. Static will not draw a cartridge from it's rest. I have a TD124 and it does tend build up a lot of static and mine has a very thick aluminum super-platter over the OEM iron sub-platter. I have had records adhere to the platter mat due to static but never a cartridge drawn to the platter. 
Simple test-do you grind your own coffee beans? If you do, you've experienced coffee bean grounds clinging to the catch-basin. Practice with your Milty Zerostat. If you don't see the clinging grounds drop off like dead flies, there is something wrong.