Zephyr MIMC vs Hana ML

Mounting on a Shure DME 3009 S2 improved with a Thorens TD125 Mk2.

presently using Ortofon 2M black through Musical surroundings Nova III phono stage and linear power supply. This was s major step up from the Grace F7 ruby that came with the TT/TA.

considering a step up and for various reasons I’m leaning towards one of those two cartridges.

Tonearm effective mass, compliance, resonance all check out.

Anyone with enough experience with either/both cartridges to offer sn informed opinion?  I’m all ears.



Showing 4 responses by normb

Funny, I’d started out thinking about saving a few more dollars and looking for a Umami Red. 
Hadn’t given any thought at all to AT.

a brief online search is steering me in that direction. No hurry.  

US made is a factor but most of my system isn’t.


the response to my question has been overwhelming, reassuring is some of the similarities in responses.

my birthday is next month, i start social security in February, VA-disabled at 90% - kinda looking for an upscale upgrade to my system, like one and done, so long as my hearing holds out.

like the chalice selection scene in Indians Jones’ Last crusade, I hope to choose wisely for a lifetime.

Audio-Technica, hmm?

Jumped the gun on prior post. Cartridge not available after all.

gonna wait, play Ortofon more, think about Lyra Delos, Hana Umami, something in between.

interested in Soundsmith’s ctges, just that they’re all so low compliance.


 Thanks again.

Thanks again one and all.

still considering the Delos vs. Zephyr.

several YouTube channels demoing those give me some sense of the sound I’m looking for. It’s the price and rebuild cost I’m vacillating on at this point.

here’s a twist.

Had Covid19 last December- January. Worst illness ever  and I’ve had Dengue and Malaria (Fun, Travel, Adventure with the Army). There were days I slept upwards of 16-18 hours, much of it opioid-induced for the headache and body pain, then pneumonia.  My wife had it to , hospitalized briefly for dehydration. Kids (24,27) had it for 3-4 days, all done. We found Christmas (which we slept through) presents from them far into the  spring, not remembering what was given or where we’d put them.

which brings me to my current situation.

Apparently just before I got sick I’d bought a Benz Micro Glider SL and put it somewhere I wouldn’t forget. Which I did.

well, until yesterday.


so far, since getting the Thorens TT I’ve used a Grace F9 ( not 7) ruby that came with the TT, ortofon om40 (now used for mono records with a different stylus ona Reloop TT), Ortofon 2M, and I was looking for a line-contact stylus when I came across a reference to Benz Micro cartridges’ micro-ridge styli and a little light went off.

so I’m going to play with that a little and still consider one of the other two aforementioned cartridges.

So I can remember it a year from now.

 Thanks again.