Zavfino OCC SILVER DART 1.5 power cable

Hi .

i am looking at  Zavfino OCC SILVER DART 1.5 power cable. The specs look great but I have no experience with this brand .

Has anyone tried this cable and what are your impressions ?  With which (perhaps more expensive competition) can it be compared ?



Showing 2 responses by ortodox

lalitk and  thyname , thank you very  much for reply.

About " mental " ...   The owner of PS audio Paul was answering a reader's question whether hi end is worth it or not.

He said : "  I drive a $90,000 Tesla. Is it worth it? No. But it's fun. "


@thyname  i did not have chance to try Zafino. Silver dart is not flexible enough

for me. Maybe  zavfino prima-occ mkii power cord is more flexible.