Zavfino Majestic USB Cable

I am planning on upgrading my $50 straightwire usb cable to something under $300 and came across the Zavfino Majestic USB. The specs look great but I can’t find any semi-detailed reviews online besides on their website. 

Has anyone tried this cable? What are your impressions? Thanks! 


Showing 7 responses by 1971gto455ho

@panzrwagn Can’t see it but I’m smiling, thank you for that. Things were piling up around here, we needed eloquently spoken fact. Forced a plate of humility on a few, that has to sting. Enjoy the music, damn I’m happy ! 


Conjecture… An opinion or conclusion formed on incomplete information…An unproven mathematical or scientific theorem.

IMO, looking at how something is made Technology inc., doesn’t guarantee it works any better. Does a sterling silver butter knife spread better than stainless steel ? Do the terms one simple proof and experimental method work in the same sentence ? And how wrong is a person that their eyes, ears don’t show an Obvious difference and to who ? There is no obvious Authority one way or the other. Maybe this debate going on for 50 odd years can be proof of that. 




Wow does it ever end, is there a record for the longest mean nothing mud slinging thread…there is now 😎 let’s move from usb to say fibre optic or the price of gas or who’s car is faster….anything but this baby tantrum yada yada. I do have a family vested interest in fibre op, of course there is pros an cons, but that and wireless is certainly getting interesting. 


I started into this hobby when 901’s were a fad. I went another route Liking Infinity started at the bottom and went to the top, I’m there now. I do like vintage everything I own is as new or better with any updates available. It’s a large system in a large room with more than adequate amplification. With final painting done I will post and I assure you it’s not a Bose system. 

I understand, in order to avoid the Pretence of pity in this case we should pretend to hear what others may or may not. And further we should not believe what we hear. Simple panzrwagn, close your mind/ears join the follow me camp. File those opinions and Education in the green bin. If one should dare to walk down train tracks don’t worry if you hear one coming…it’s not there. Enjoy the tunes folks, that’s real….I think.

@jerryg123 Thank you for telling me where to go, I’d reciprocate moderators, might pull it down. So a company that’s into robotics and linear controls, what pray tell was your imput ? A big company might have parking lot attendants, janitors, maintenance people, secretaries, design engineers, scientists, etc. Perhaps you can give us a little insight as to your expertise ?