Yup Power Cords

For the last year my system has sounded fine, but something was missing. It was clean, clear, full, spacious, but lacked emotion. Great but sterile sound.
Then on a lark I decided to buy some inexpensive AQ power cords.

Uh huh! ! ! PRAT ! ! !

They transformed the sound and added emotion. I hear things that I never heard before. I didn't believe that power cords could make such a difference. I had been through several speaker cables and interconnects. Start with power cords folks. They have made a huge impact on the sound of my system. I have read the arguments over cable and cords and interconnects, and I can't understand it, but it is the best and cheapest tweak with the largest impact to my system. I am truly stunned by this.

I know many of you do not believe any cables make a difference, but I hear differences in most cables in my system. If fact a cheap silver interconnect is now my favorite, and before I could not stand anything silver in the chain. Go figure!

Let the discussion begin.

Showing 1 response by bowbow

The electric that powers your speakers began at your wall plug. That is all you need to know that cable work.