Your Top Five for 2003

What's the Top Five CDs/SACDs/DVD-As you purchased in 2003? My tastes are for jazz & blues, but I'm sure there's lots of great music we all missed. My five are:

Taylor Eigsti Trio- Resonance
Kurt Elling -Man in the Air
Ahmad Jamal- In Search Of
Wayne Shorter- Footpronts Live!
McCoy Tyner- Land of the Giants

Hau'oli Makahiki Hou!

Showing 1 response by nicko

I'm sure a year from now my list will be totally revised, but for the moment...

Radiohead: Hail to the Thief
Broken Social Scene: You Forgot it in People
Jeff Buckley: Live at Sine (Deluxe)
Yo La Tengo: Summer Sun
!!!: Me and Giuliani Down By the School Yard

Not a very strong year in my opinion but I still haven't heard a lot of stuff that's supposed to be good (Califone, Unicorns, The Rapture, Strokes, etc.)

However, the reissue of Marquee Moon made me aware of a classic that had up to that point gone unnoticed.