Your thoughts on selling

Hey, all.

I've got tons of vinyl that I never listen to.  I've sold in the past, but it was always a pain to grade as I never play-graded, but just visually graded prior to selling.  But...vinyl being vinyl, some records that looked pristine apparently was noisy once received and played by the buyer, which caused me to refund the buyer (both the cost of the record and shipping) putting me on the negative side of the dollar equation.  I also always told the buyer to keep the record.

So I'm considering doing this:  Sell the record but only ask for shipping cost and have the buyer decide what the value of the record is, with one caveat that shipping costs will not be refunded.  

Granted, some buyers will take advantage and say the Mo-Fi I shipped them was only worth 50 cents.  But I think for the most part folks will pay a realistic amount.

Am I being naive or could this actually work?  And by "work" I mean most folks paying a fair amount for said record?




Showing 2 responses by holmz

That’s a terrible idea on how to sell vinyl. I sold all my vinyl and everything analog a couple years ago. It was very easy. I went out and looked on a couple websites for the range of prices people were asking for each piece. Then, I would only sell in lots of 10 or more. I initially asked for a decent price for all of them, but selling them in bundles, I made over $1000 more than as a whole. Nobody asked for a refund or credit.

But if he is running a charity deal, then just giving them to some local young hipsters would be cheaper than scammers asking for refunds on everything including shipping.

or selling them to a local store that peddles LPs.