Your single most significant purchase mistake?

Your most significant regret for having bought? Big expectations and an even bigger letdown? The one you kicked yourself the hardest for ever having bight 


Showing 3 responses by stereo5

I had a N100H back in 2016. I hated it. Their conductor software was always a work in progress. Every time I powered it up, I had to hold my breath because I never knew what would happen. It always had trouble finding my router, even though the N100H was on the shelf just above it. After 2 months ownership, I sold it for half of what I paid and bought a second Sony HAPZ1ES player. Unfortunately, 6 years later, the Sony won’t turn on and I can’t find anyone to fix it. I really think that todays audio equipment is too complicated and tries to do too much.   Bring back the good old 70’s!

Von Schweikert VR33 speakers.  Were supposed to be the best 15K speaker for a measly $3500.00.  Greg Weaver gushed over them, but they sucked, big time.  Couldn't find the bass and sold for a $1800.00 loss.  I will never believe another reviewer, ever again.