Your single most significant purchase mistake?

Your most significant regret for having bought? Big expectations and an even bigger letdown? The one you kicked yourself the hardest for ever having bight 


Showing 1 response by fsonicsmith

@cleeds & other Aurender N100H folks: I have had similar troubles, although to date Ari has got me back & running. Question: knowing this will be just a temporary component on my digital side, WITH WHAT DID YOU REPLACE the N100H?

I have an N100H sitting in storage. I had problems with it too and as you just said, every time I turned it on I never knew if it would "see" my router or not. I replaced it with an Aurender W20 and it has been a complete joy to use. Never a single problem finding the router. Ari at Aurender is an excellent dude. Whatever he is being paid, Aurender ought to double it. I got to know Ari too with my N100H. With my W20 we are now strangers. Btw, the SQ with the W20 is night and day to the N100H.