Your reference for "the absolute" sound?

As the magazine referred to, the absolute sound was live music.  For most great music halls the best seats were centered and depending on your preference within the first ten or so rows.  I have never been to a great live performance,  indoors or out, where the music was coming at you from the sides, the back or anywhere rather than in front of you.  But now there are systems with speakers at the sides, rear, rear center and so on.

Is the point of reference for a great stereo system more like a movie theater with "surround" sound?

I do not want to attend a live performance where the singers/players are set up like some of these "music" systems seem to want to do....the vocalist behind me, the trumpet to my left side, the base to my right side...etc. 

"is it live, or is it Memorex" or is it just garbage?  


Showing 3 responses by whatjd

edcyn, glad you mentioned the V-12 Ferrari sound.  I was lucky enough to have raced at Road America in Elhart Lake, Wi. and that sound is music to my sports car loving ears.  This has nothing to do with audio, but once at a Formula Ford and other events race at Road America there was a man that had a semi tractor trailer with a half dozen classic Ferrari's in it with his own crew to care for them.  And it seemed that the young lady on his arm was not likely his daughter. 

Whoops, bass, not base.  A constant reminder of my not paying attention in grade school. 

When I worked in an audio business and the goal was accurate sound, but  I realized that for many consumers their basis for what they wanted their system to sound like was a jukebox.  It seems that times may have not changed much since then.