???YOUR Personal Favorite???Why???

I'm curious about something..What is YOUR Personal Favorite 2 way,stand mounted speakers under $15,000.00???
What did you compare them to??
What electronics do you use with them if you actually own them??
 Thanks for participating,it is appreciated..


I love my Audio Note AN-J/lx's on Sound Anchors stands. Compared them to the AN-K, various Proac and Harbeth speakers. Going on 5 years owning them and still in love.

Sonner Legato Unum on the factory stands. For all the Cliché’s and because they sound freaking awesome no matter what topology I use.

I love stand mount 2 ways and have owned Sf, QLN, Audio Note, Harbeth all the usual suspects and love the Legato Unum. 

Read up on them and listen to a pair.


The Legato Unum is an American made two-way ported loudspeaker, and the smallest of Sonner Audio’s entry level Legato series. It features a 1-inch ring radiator tweeter, a 5.5-inch coated paper cone woofer, and a point-to-point wired fourth-order Linkwitz-Riley crossover. At the heart of it all, the Legato Unum is a just scaled-back version of the Sonner Audio’s higher-end Allegro Unum which itself retails for $12K (including stands). The more affordable Legato Unum benefits from Allegro’s time aligned cabinet, crossover design topology, and monocoque curved rear panel.

All of Sonner Audio’s speaker models are designed around a Low Energy Storage concept and Driver Time Alignment design. The inherent strength of the curved speaker cabinet used for the Legato Unum (shared with Allegro) is how it provides a rigid structure that reduces internal standing waves and releases sound energy quickly without adding or subtracting from the original amplified signal.

The front baffle of the Legato Unum is built at an angle to incorporate a time alignment design. The angle is calculated during computer modeling and validated with many listening tests. This approach results in a stable and precise imaging soundstage that plays larger than expected. The black front face-plate functions as the tweeter’s acoustic lens, and indeed sounds better when installed. The speaker also comes with an acoustically transparent grill that can be magnetically mounted on top of the leather faceplate.

I have on order a pair of Dynaudio Confidence 20 speakers which will be the centerpiece of my new "End Game" system that I am currently assembling. The Conference 20s sounded amazing with all genres of music I threw at it (Rock, Jazz, Folk, New Age) and had better highs and mids IMO than the Contour 30i, the only other speakers I auditioned. I also have on order, the Luxman L-509z integrated amp which will drive the Confidence 20s. 

One more vote for the Joseph Audio Pulsar.  I owned a pre-graphene pair for several years and they were an excellent speaker across all types of music.

MBL 126 are pricey at just under your budget of $15K but the price includes the stands and they're an omni.