Your most indispensable "tweak"?

Trying to narrow my possibilities down... 

Showing 3 responses by stringreen

Everything matters...I've been tweeting for years.  My last one gave me such an enormous change, it was like changing a major component.  I replaced regular plastic cover outlet plates to Carbon Fiber.  ..a huge difference.
Details of Carbon Fiber outlet cover.....this is the most idiotic thing I ever experimented with.   Surely the replacement of a plastic outlet cover would have no effect on the sound.   I even tried to load the inside of the cover with difference at all, so I left it in place.   The outlets themselves are audiophile approved Maestro, the cable is Neotech with top of the line Furotech carbon fiber plugs on each end.  On a lark, I went to Ebay and got 3 carbon fiber outlet covers for the 3 outlets in the stereo room.   The covers are from HongKong (although they came through California, they were 20 dollars each, and the change was very dramatic all on the up side. 
All tweeks build on the tweeks before....sometimes a wonderful tweek doesn't work with a previous wonderful one.....a never ending search....