Your favorite Small Apartment Speakers

  1. I view this as sort of a companion thread to the “Best Small Speakers At any Price” thread.

Lets hear what you’ve used and loved!

Thanks in advance.

Showing 21 responses by gochurchgo

I wouldn’t think one would want floor standers in an apartment. Or am I wrong?
Do you think something like Gaia’s on speakers helps with that Bob? I’d spend the money if they do. I guess I should investigate more on that. 

I guess I’m assuming floor standing speakers will project bass through the floor to the neighbor below. I’ve been operating on the presumption that stand mount is the imperative.

Is this not the case? @elizabeth

Interesting. I will reaearch further. One speaker I heard that I liked was the Spatial M5. I had ruled it out as a floor stander. 

Absolutely not opposed to DSP. I have zero experience with it but if there's a step by step I should be able to get it to work. I don't frankly care how accurate or linear a speaker is, all of them are to some extent in the higher dollar brackets. I just want something that sounds good. I like my Focals, but I feel like I can do better. My only reservations about DSP is that it typically adds a substantial cost. I was, for a while, looking into miniDSP or something of the sort.

@gdnrbob Thanks, I will look more into that. I want to be a good enighbor, even when I'm being a bad neighbor haha
@verdantaudio I listen to alot of music thats not well produced or recorded (classic punk and hardcore records) along with 80's and 90's alternative (average production for the day). In the last few years classic 60's and 70's reggae and ritualistic/black ambient has got me excited about music again. Add in a sprinkle of death/thrash metal and some jazz too (Davis/Mingus/Adderly).

I try to use Napalm Death (the band) as a guide as its crazy heavy and super fast. If the speaker can render all the layers and keep the speed, it will probably work.ha!

As for bass you are correct. I have space so thats not an issue, I just don't want to (and probably cannot) run a sub in apartment life. I am currently on the ground floor but that will not always be true which is why it seems stand mounts are the way to go.

 I am currently running Focal 807's which do many things right, but I find them polite and lacking in the bass. Ideally something that can get into the low 40's / high 30's should be fine. The Focals image well with 23" of space between them and the front wall but that sucks all the bass out.

High on my list to try and audition are Dynaudio Special 40's, Holt Hill Consaille (sp) and whatever else I find. Looking for a musical/fun sound with great bass and some refinement.
@verdantaudio I looked at those. I saw them mentioned on here before. If they went deeper into the lower frequencies I'd definitely want to try them out.

I'm very nervous about speakers because I don't listen to typical audiophile stuff. I feel like the speaker market isn't geared towards me and my tastes. But thats another story.
@verdantaudio You get me then for sure. Absolutely. I technically could run a sub right now but as I said, what happens when I can't? My current speakers break at 50hz and roll off fairly quick. If I put them in my bedroom I bet they would be good in there (small room, 4 walls, corners) but in my livingroom the bass isn't cutting it. And I'm not trying to pressurize it, I just like that satisfying thump of the bass drum.

I'm in the armpit of the universe (Arizona).
I@audiokinesis “sort of” got to hear the prototype. It did a lot things well but there was some issue with the woofers. I didn’t get to experience what I was most curious about which was the bass.

that said, people seem to love OB, the price is doable and I’ve been routinely told they play dynamic at low volume, don’t radiate sound in all directions and are good for room filling sound as long as I understand they don’t pressurize a room. I’ve tried to reach out to any locals to see if I could play a few tracks and see what I get from it.
@thecarpathianInteresting. I will look at those

@verdantaudio I have seen those mentioned but I guess I never really look at them. I'll look deeper.

@glennewdick No interest in anything Audio Note. But thank you.
I keep looking at those Polks as they  are willing to sell them for a roll of tape and some gum. I don't know anything of the Polk sound, I just recall in the late 80's they were a revered brand.

If I could sell them for what I paid I'd maybe buy them on a whim.


I don’t care about cred. Hell I’ve been banned from half the audiophile forums on the planet. What I do want is something that does everything my Focals do but better especially in the bass department.
@stfoth  Cantons.....I have looked into those. A seemingly excellent speaker but no one seems to have any. Ticks all the boxes. I do like Focal but their stand mounts stay in the 45hz range and for the money seems like not a great deal. I have looking into the Lintons and from what I gather they are more in the sound of Harbeth (I could be wrong as I have not heard them but thats how I perceive the reviews)
Dynaudio Special 40?  Rave reviews from nearly everyone. Not sure how Dynaudio sounds vs Focal. But very curious
Not sure what qualifies for a “small” room but my living/dining room where my rig is measures 14’ x 28’. The speakers are on the long wall but only span about 40% of it firing across the 14’ width of the room. 
@giantsalami  do you have the bookshelf version or the now floor standing version?

I haven't heard them but they use top quality drivers. Off topic but what did you move to after Odyssey (amplification-wise)?
My amplification will be all Odyssey so it’s interesting you mention the Kismets.@giantsalami
@giantsalami  If I found the right deal I'd be super interested in the Kismets. Any complaints on them or just moving on?
@doni I was super hot on those but it seems like now that people have them they seem not to be as great as the online reviewers said they were. Still curious to hear them. You can usually find the s300's for cheap but I haven't seen the 400's yet.
So the consensus is that floor standing speakers are a no go for the most part? WHich makes sense though some have suggested subs with stand mounts and it would seem to me subs would be worse for your neighbors than floor standing speakers but thats admittedly a guess.
I'm not so much limited on space as I am worried about pissing off the neighbors (bass). I listen to a bit of bass heavy music.