Your favorite obscure ECM album

Over the years this label has pumped out a huge catalog of lesser known artists, some of whom I love.

Some of my favorite ECM discoveries include:
Art Lande/Jan Garbarek: Red Lanta
Steve Tibbetts: Yr
Contact Trio: New Marks
John Surman: Upon Reflection
Masqualero: Aero
Bennie Maupin: Jewel in the Lotus
John Abercrombie: Gateway
Terje Rypdal: Whenever I Seem To Be Far Away

Anyone have a favorite ECM discovery?

Showing 1 response by nighthawk

Eberhard Weber - Fluid Rustle. I don't know if you can call any of Pat Metheny's music obscure but As Falls Wichita, So Falls Wichita Falls is one of my ECM favorites.