Your Favorite Christmas Song-One only Please-

Let's hope a great list comes of this thread.


I get to start-


Mariah Carey- All I want for Christmas is You


Leads to my favorite Christmas Movie- Love Actually!


Okay beat that!!




Showing 8 responses by thecarpathian

'Baby, Please Don't Go' is a Christmas song?

You learn something new every day....

I don’t think so.

I’d call it a ’holiday season’ song.

Are you all aware that ’Jingle Bells’ is not a Christmas Holiday song?

It's actually a Thanksgiving song!

Trivia question:

In 'Jingle Bells', what is the name of the horse?

@ thecarpathian



A winner!

Too easy for you, yogiboy. 


Have not listened to Christmas in the Trenches in years.

Thanks for bringing it up. It is truly one of th he best. 


- Pentatonix: Little drummer boy or Hallelujah

This gets me every year.

This song is in no way, shape or form, even remotely a Christmas song!

It has zero to do with Christmas!



Now I’ve got to take an aspirin and lie down.




Are you deaf? I don’t really like Little Drummer Boy and never did, but it is clearly about the mythical boy playing his drum for the infant Jesus. That is a Christmas song.

Um, yeah.

I was talking about the other song.

You know, the one I highlighted?

Unless what you wrote was a joke.

In that case, I was still talking about the other song.