Your favorite 3 rooms at RMAF

I am sure by now you have had time to digest your findings at the show. What were your favorite rooms.
Mine are as follows: The Audio Research/Vandersteen room was set up extremely well and hearing the 7's again along with the ARC anniversary Edition was a great combo. Second would be the Magico Speakers, what an awesome speaker and seeing the exposed cabinet construction was bonus, and Third I have to say that I was extremely impressed with the Thor Audio room with the Duevel Speakers. Not only beautiful to look at but may be a perfect speaker for problem room.
And of course many more come to mind but these are my fav's.

Showing 1 response by buff

***dealer disclaimer******
note: some of the rooms I sell, some I don't.

I did nto hear everythign at the show, however I did hear most of the top rooms.

Both T+A rooms using Dynaudio special 25s and Sapphires sounded very good.

The Stillpoints room was making great music.

The Avalon room with the new Transcendents was sounding very good also.

Hegel had an impressive demo driving B&W 802s with a 2K integrated amplifier

MITs demo using 14 guage zip cord then AVT in wall modules and then Oracle HD Matrix was impressive.

The Evolution Acoustics room with Dartzeel was my favorite room of the show - very lifelike effortless sound and a very visceral image/soundstage.