Your experience with Thiel 3.6

Any oppinions(experience)on this speaker?

Looks great but I seem to hear mixed reviews from users, however reputable mags seem to love it (pretty old reviews though)? I'm currently auditioning the new Martin Logan Aeon speakers (nice but kind of bright), do you feel that moving to the Thiels is a move up? I'm looking for some clear mids and highs as well as some bass punch.

I have good source componets, and I listen to all sorts of music, from jazz to rock to r&b to techno.

Showing 1 response by ncarv

I owned a pair, loved them, and was sad to sell them. What they do well, they do as well as any speaker I've heard under $5000, and many over. Small jazz combos, solo and chamber classical, acoustic, female voices can't be beat. With the right equipment, they are absolutely amazing. The feeling of live music is recreated beyond belief. You can close your eyes . . .
However, for loud electric rock and orchestral music, they can be a bit harsh, or bright at higher volumes.
I have a pair of Snell B Minors I kept because they do everything very well, especially loud rock, but they don't come close to the 3.6's for the smaller, acoustic stuff.
I was tempted to keep both pair, but, though I like my gear, I really don't want to be dragging 150 pound speakers in and out of the room. I actually had them both set up at the same time and would just switch my speaker cable, but they took up too much room, especially with my other stuff.
I'm not a big fan of Martin Logans, but many other people seem to like them.
An audiogoner wanted to buy the Snells from me. He said the only speaker better was Coincident Technology, which is designed very much like the Snells.
Good luck on searching. Don't trust anyone (even me!). Trust your own ears.