Your definition of soundstage

I'm having difficulty describing the term soundstage lately. I've enjoyed owning and listening to a good number of high end speakers over the years (owning the lesser end)and am interested in soundstage depth comparisons.

Each speaker that I've heard places the band in a different space. This can be front row, mid hall, lively, laid back, deep, in your face, etc.

I love the presentation of Verity speakers. I also own a pair of Reynaud's that are more lively and a touch warmer. The stage is more immediate with the Reynauds and the Verity's (Fidelio Encore) are more set back and refined in a different way.

What are your opinions on where the music comes from? Please name brands and try to describe the presentations you prefer.

Showing 3 responses by bjesien

Thanks for the interesting and informative responses. I agree with what has been said and continue to learn from you all daily.

My real re-interest in soundstage stems from a demo back when the Devore Nines came out. I owned the Super 8 at the time and was never really satisfied with the speaker despite the rave reviews and member accolades.

I went to a dealer that carried the Nines and heard them in the same room on the same gear as the Fidelio Encores. I recall the gear being all ARC reference. The pre was the Ref 3, Ref 110 tube amp and cd7. I'm aware of price discrepancy between the speakers, but that is not the point, as both are great.

I was shocked at the difference in presentation between the two speakers. Neither had a perfect synergy with the electronics, however both where in the same very well treated room with identical electronics, cables, conditioning, etc.

The soundstage of the Verity's was set up around 6 feet behind the speakers and remained firmly planted. The air in the room gave the sense of distance and placement. Not only did the speaker control the soundstage, but it gave the space in between me and the soundstage a clear and firm perspective. Air, space, distance, etc.

The Nines did something very different. They also had a great stage, but the individual instruments took on more of the focus rather than the entire presentation. The air in between me and the soundstage was less firm and stable and perhaps less separated than the Verity's. It was easy to listen to one instrument and then move to another, but the stage was less planted in one space.

To add personally to what Blindjim said, in this case, my mind was more at ease and relaxed with with the Verity presentation. I just fell into it instead of trying to listen.

Speakers and systems are individual and I hope to gather more opinions.
Listens2tubes, I don't have enough experience with room treatment to argue your point but wouldn't that mean a change in speakers would also need a significant change in room treatment?

Der, a fun cd if you like Jerry Gonzalez is Y Los Pirates Del Flamenco. I wouldn't say 20 feet wide (not on my system anyway) but it's well recorded with nice dimension.
Listened to the Rockport Aquila with Spectral gear over the weekend. Very nice, deep, tonally accurate soundstage. I listened to all kinds of music, including live AC/DC, with a 20 foot deep soundstage and the band perfectly placed. The tonal and dynamic qualities were awesome.

Easy to listen to. I need to post a wanted for a wanted for a genie in a bottle.