I had to create this post so people can share how they got here. I started mines with a record player that my uncle gave me and Alexander O’Neal album. I would get jam boxes back in the day. Then at 30 I got a def tech system at best buy and now I 22 years later I have an all Infigo Audio system with Gato speakers and 2 Rel 212se subs. I’m happy as all get out with my sound. It is my dream system not because of what it costs it is because I’m in love with how it sounds. What’s your story. 


Showing 1 response by immatthewj

I had to repost this because we had a troll destroy our discussion.

A troll?? No way! Not here! I don’t believe it!

Anyway, I do not own my "dream system" but it is better than it was 30 years ago when I got started. The way I started was I got one of those monstrous TVs that came out before the flat screens (not the original large screens) and I hooked my two channel rack system up to it and I thought I had surround sound. One of the home theater guys at work was happy to tell me that I did not have "surround sound" and that got me in to the Dolby Prologic scene and the integrated prologic unit I bought had a sub out jack, so one of the home theater guys at work told me that i HAD to get a sub, so I bought an M&K subwoofer for what seemed to me to be an xorbitant amount of $. I was talking to a guy at the gym who I knew was into sound about my HT, and he came over to watch the Rodger Waters doing The Wall live in Berlin. He started telling me about vacuum tube stuff and my HT evolved in to 2 channel only and three amps and 3 preamps and three digital front ends and numerous other expenditures here and there later, I am where I am. Three pairs of speakers as well, but I am having second thoughts about the last pair I recently bought and am wondering if I ought to go another way. I also need a new sub.

Anyhow, that’s the short version.