My Audio journey ends with my current MAGIC combination of KR AUDIO, GATO SPEAKERS, RESONESSENCE MIRUS PRO DAC AND CLARITY AND HIGH FIDELITY CABLING. I took my system to the LSAF and people were really pleased with the sound. What is the recipe that made you happy?
@technick thanks. It’s been tough. @magnetoserge you look like you got a nice set up. Just enjoy it. I ended up with a lot of expensive stuff because of my initial journey. I’ve sold and flipped a lot of gear through relationships to get great prices on stuff. My system is rather expensive to some but I put it up vs. systems 5 times the cost and it does it for me.  Im pretty confident in my abilities to put a system together and I’ve been blessed with a lot of knowledge from my older audio friends. Listening puts me in a happy place. It makes the worries of life go away. This hobby can financially drain you if you let it.  The challenge for me has always been to put together world class for a 1/4 of the price and I’m in a good place there won’t be any major changes outside the gear I have. There is a slight chance of getting a kronzilla sxi KR AUDIO which is the jumbo king size  of the amp I have now but outside of that I have a Melco server and a tubed Sony modwright es5400 and I will probably keep both around and call it a day! Enjoy everyone while you are still here!
My system has been stable since 2015- and I’m quite happy, with zero desire to change out anything. 
Hoping I am reaching the end section of the journey when my Burmester B100, arrive, I will be driving them with Ps Audio BHK 250, DSD dac and DMP transport with Aesthetix Calypso sig preamp, MG Audio design cables and a pair of MJ Acoustics Ref 1 mark4 subs....... fingers crossed !

Fellas we get there in different ways. @ianmuir1 you have a nice set up. You should be in a good place.  I have allowed myself to just enjoy the music. I am keeping the majority of my system stable because I’m not going to throw any more money into it. It took 8 years of furious changes and experiments but I’m in a good place. @zavato I totally understand.  I’m just finding great recordings and trying to enjoy as much as I can. @uberwaltz I been there. Lol. @kahlenz I took my system to the LSAF because we do a room called THE BLACK HOLE. It’s a group of guys that love to sit and listen for hours days straight. Lol. My system is good and I know it.  I just like to share the ear candy of the tunes coming out of them with the world!