Your advice to speakers designers

What would it be?
I'd say - instead of building great furniture that also happens to sound good give us great sounding speakers that also happen to be acceptable furniture.

Showing 18 responses by inna

Yeah, some speakers do look weird. I don't mind it if there is a good reason for that.
Douglas, your post is senseless and offending. Be quiet now, please.
Ralph, right, let the amps bring out the best in speakers.
This will probably match well with the kind of 'music' their owners will play. They might also excite the hell out of partners. We might be facing the beginning of ultimate idiocy and perversity.
I'll take those nice furniture speakers I was talking about. But Tannoy..maybe even them.
Though every element and the interaction of them is important, my understanding is that drivers are the single most important element. I don't want to pay thousands for nice finish, give me great drivers first, nice finish can be optional for those...whatever you want to call them.
So, what kind of questions should I ask a speaker designer to see if he has a good idea of crossovers and their implementation?
Duke, my hypothetical questions would not be of someone looking for particular speakers but of someone interested in how speakers can be built and what it takes to make them sound good.
I don't know a thing about crossovers but I am always suspicious of speakers with multiple drivers. Would you say that three is enough even if the room is big and you sometimes play loudly?
With some designs I see a wall of drivers and with others just two or three. What do they try to accomplish with so many drivers? I always thought that one driver is a theoretical ideal.
Another element is the enclosure. Don't remember the name, I saw speakers by some Dutch company with quite an elaborate enclosure, sort of a labyrith inside the cabinet. Michael Green Audio is another example with his efforts to buld a speaker like an instrument. In fact, he tries to tune entire room to be that 'instrument'.
Most buyers are not audiophiles and are of no concern to us. We want real audiophile speakers. Whether it is 6" or 26" woofers is another matter.
I rarely just sit down and listen, but usual speakers do just fine for me, though I suppose omni would do better in this respect.
I feel comfortable with any design that sounds good to my ear and can fit in the medium size room.
Yeah. Besides, by definition speakers cannot look too good in a usual sense. Or electronics really. Well, some might like Rowland's shiny boxes or Absolare leather wraped cases. Not me. I like the look of Focal Utopia, some Kharmas, and Lansches with their plasma tweeter that also happens to sound great are fine too.
Gryphon amps look good, Ypsilon is not bad. Big Wavacs, oh hell, look great. Kondo sucks. Lamm fine. Pass weird.
But in any case, unless it is extraordinarily bizarre I don't care, and even if it is I will listen of course.
People here often kind of complain about their wives in relation to aesthetics of the gear. I understand. Most wives can be convinced by the performance, I believe.
This is not exactly an advice but I would like to see speakers designers do custom work, within reason. Like custom knives, furniture, serious car tuning etc. 
By the way, Tidals and MBLs don't visually appeal to me but I've seen much worse.
prof, be nice, will you? Especially when visiting my threads. 
To answer your question. Imaging is not everything. The better the sound is the less need you have to sit in front of the speakers. But I am not far from them. I do critical listening too from time to time.
Right. Solution people are always attacked from multiple directions, that's why we live in such a mess.
Michael Green once said that if your system and room were done right you would rarely need to touch volume control. This sounds good to me.
Michael tunes studios and concert halls, at least he used to. 
Another question is do we want to somehow correct the not so good recording or have it as it is? I am much closer to the latter but not fully. 
Yeah, I have about $1k, perhaps a little more, for the upgrades next year. Self-imposed limit for now. So do I upgrade interconnects, power cord (s) or phono stage? Cannot upgrade anything else for this kind of money except maybe cartridge, that I won’t do without upgrading phono and interconnects first. And I am not going to buy anything new. In fact, I will not ever need anything new except perhaps a dac or whatever else they will come up with and maybe a cartridge, though I could get a used one from a reputable seller.
So, looking at it from this angle, I am not interested in future speakers designs at all unless there is something spectacular and relatively affordable. I see a number of $5k - $7k used speakers that would be good enough for me.
Most people, even very dedicated ones, don’t have a lot of money for this stuff. Not 99.9% but 90% for sure.
And remove those damn crossovers from the cabinet, make them external. Also, don't use any questionable quality parts, including wires. Finally, choose your dealers wisely.