young and new to analog.

i'm 22, and am just now getting into analog sound, and was wondering if anyone in the baltimore/dc area could recommend a shop that i could find decent turntables. and suggestions as to what turntable to start with. with my current income situation, i'm looking to spend in the area of 300-500 bucks (if i get the job i just applied for, probably more) and i was looking at (based on reviews) that a pro-ject debut III with the speed box mkII would be a good way to get into the game. any other suggestions welcome.

also, as far as recievers, phono stage, and speakers go, i'm looking at those in the same price range, and have yet to decide. any help would be appreciated!

thats something i didnt even consider, wow, after reading up on this it seems that may be an excellent way to go for me
I found myself in your exact position not too long ago. What is the rest of your system like? I would recommend that you buy used so that you can try out a table without losing too much if you decide you want to sell at a later date.

I initially bought an older VPI jr in your price range and played around with it for a few months before I decided it wasnt for me. I then tried out a Michell Tecnodec and came to the same conclusion (plus couldnt justify the price). Finally I ended up with the Technics SL-1210 and I do not think it was a downgrade at all.

I'm not saying that you should rush out and get a Technics, but dont discount it either. See if you can sample at least a couple tables in your price range before you come to a conclusion.

Some places you can visit in the DC area are United Home Audio (they carry pro-ject and clearaudio), Gifted Listener (Rega tables), and Deja Vu (a lot of exotic analog stuff).
I too am young (23) and in the DC area. I've been into vinyl for about 5 years now and I find Deja Vu to be the best shop in the area. They have let me, as young kid, play around with hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment. Vu is very friendly and knowledgeable to boot.

When I was in your shoes I went with an MMF-5 I found here on audiogon. If I had to do it all over again I think that I would go the KAB Technics route. Definitely give Kevin a call, he's a nice guy as well.
well, im not gonna run out and do it right away (im terribly broke right now) but within the next couple of months probably. and since united home audio is closest to me, ill probably check that place out either this or next weekend. thanks for giving the newbie lots of help!
I too went with the VPI HW19 JR route. I actually liked and still have it today (10 years later!), although I am looking to upgrade now. I have never listened to the technics tables, so I can't speak for those. Just thought I would throw out another suggestion besides Technics, although those may be fine tables.

I suggest calling or contacting various TT manufacturers and trying to locate the nearest dealers. Then you can make a trip and listen for yourself. Most of all, have fun with it. Some of the dealers may have used tables too! I bought my JR used from a dealer.