You were pleased with AP Oval 9 but you upgraded..

I am curious to hear from those who owned AP Oval 9 speaker cables for a real extended period of time and then upgraded.(as opposed to those who immediately disliked them after a short trial period). What did you upgrade to and why?

Or conversely, you thought you could do better than the Oval 9s but after further evaluation you didn't find a worthwhile upgrade cable.

Please try to provide as much specifics as to differences and improvements attained with your new cables. Or why you decided to stick with the Oval 9s.

I'm using the AP12's for a year now in a lot of speakers and I find them to be quite balanced cables. I have upgraded pc's, ic, digital ic, but never had the urge to upgrade the AP12's.

I have tried the ap9 and I find the overall balance of the 12's to be more desirable.
Trying out a pair of speaker cables is the only way to know for sure. Be sure to buy them used if you can, and odds are you will not loose any money in the transaction.
Just re-sell them if they don't fit your fancy...

The Acoustic Zen speaker cables (Satori - and especially Hologram) are prized by many who frequent Audiogon and a good place to start given their price.

Did you ever try the AP Silver Oval speaker cable?

I'm currently using a "shot-gun" set of AP Oval 9 / Silver Oval, with pretty good results, but....

The upgrade-bug is calling my name again. I'm wondoring how the Satori (or Hologram) compares to?

Also, anyone heard the Granit Audio #570 speaker cable? Similar construction, at least in that it also utilizes "Single-Crystal Copper" 99.9999%.

Happy hunting!
The Satori won out over the Oval 9 in every catagory. There was a definate improvement in detail and air. The Satori is incredibly cohesive and portrays deep accurate bass in a way that the oval 9 couldn't match. I just recieved the new Acoustic Zen WOW ic's which are great $249 and easily beat out my HT pro silways.

Can you provide us some more detail as to the differences you experienced between the Oval 9 and the Satori cable.

I run a biwired pair of Oval 9/12's. I have no intention of any upgrade. Amp- WBT bananas, to T1 spades. Not bright IMO. Jon Risch bass traps and wall panels, as well as rear listening position treatment just did the overall trick.

One either needs to give them 200 hours , or simply bag 'um after one month. Perhaps explains the AP sell plethora seen on the boards.

The acoustic Zen Satori absolutely blow them away. contact who is a great dealer. I don't miss my oval 9's at all.
I still have mine but strongly feel that my old Sonoran Desert Signature are better. The AP Oval 9 are very extended in the highs and lows but i feel they lack in transparency and most important of all, the midrange. The Sonoran Signatures are in a league by themselves when it comes to midrange bloom. Not to mention the used soap bar shape of their images.
I have never got rid of mine. Preferred to AQ, Nordost, and Wireworld. I keep thinking more $$$ or bi-wire (I have jumpers) would be better, but I can never think of how. Would be curious if you do change and what speakers you use (I have soliloquy and they use the Ovals to demo alot, so probably a good match for my system). Good luck.
I have Oval 9's with Oval 12 jumpers (connects as biwire, but cheaper than 2 sets of cables). I like them a lot, and have only thought of upgrading PBJ interconnects. But, then I think "Why?"
I have a biwire pair of Oval 9s and 12s and love them. I have no thoughts of upgrading and do not find them bright (just neutral and wonderful sounding) in my system.
If I could add to this topic, what were the feelings on a biwired pair of Oval Nines or Oval Nines and Oval Twelves? I have heard comments such as bright, etc.