You know you're an audiophile if--

You just got a pair of speakers you can barely move yourself (inverse proportionality with age probably too)

The first house you bought cost less than your current stereo investment (ditto)

You have boxes of cables with which you don't know what to do

Showing 13 responses by pettyofficer

How do you figure? I thought that the idea here, was to poke fun at oneself. I thought the idea, was not to take yourself so seriously, hardly an ego exercize. Need to tone it down on the Turbo, Johnny, where is your sense of humor? The only thing that is going to implode, is me laughing so hard, unless you ruin it.
You dedicatedly read every last one of these Responses, and realize atleast half apply to yourself.
The Canadian Customs Officials know you by name, don't even bother checking your package of the latest hand made Tube gear that you are bringing back to the States.
The Huge Transformers on your Audio Gear, heat up enough to light a cigarette off of.
It is a hundred and ten degrees in the shade, and you still turn on your Stereo System, knowing that it is going to increase your room temperature by another 20 degrees.
You carefully monitor a clock to determine how long it takes for your System to properly warm up for optimum listening.
I read all of these Responses, and I laugh. I am not laughing at anyone else, I am laughing at myself. Boy, don't some of these responses sound familiar, too many hit too close to home! I accept your recant, but if you want releif from Audiophile Fatigue, you came to the right Thread! Someone here, turbocharge Johnnyturbo's funny bone, we all need a good laugh at ourselves!
I am laughing at myself, because some of these Responses hit too close to Home. BOOM! Your Response just sank my Battleship Savings Account! Anyone need a donation of Blood?
I am not working either, collecting a Pension, not quite certifiable. Still manage to pay my rent, and put food on the table. I certainly hope that no-one has gone beyond that! I can think of a few Historical Obsessive Compulsive Characters, like Thomas Edison or the Wright Brothers, who still had their Jobs. I wouldn't necessarily call them certifiable, others can disagree. Gee, I was having such a good time on this Thread, now it is spoiled. I guess that I will just have to crawl back under the pessimistic rock labelled "Recession". This must be how our Grandparents helped this Country recover from an even greater Recession, known as the "Great Depression"!
You start wondering, if it would be possible to create a device that could actually clean one side of a Record, and play the other side at the same time. O.K.- who makes and manufactures it, I know that I wasn't the first one to think of it! Where can I get one, and it better cost more than atleast $5000.00 or it is not even worth concideration!
Boy, I read some of these and I say that, "atleast I am not that bad"! Then I sit here looking at four components brisling with Vacuum Tubes, next to a Solid State Universal Player, next to a Turntable, and next to a Computer. What's wrong with this picture? Nothing, but there might be something very wrong with the guy sitting next to this stuff! Don't think that I am going to try having sex with it though, sounds painful!
Abucktwoeighty-it is just like Alcoholism and Smoking.
You may stop listening to Music and get rid of your
System. If you set one foot in a High End Store, it will
start up all over again right where you left off. It will be like you never quit! I know from personal experience.
This is the third time that I have fallen off of the
Hotmailjbc-This Post isn't a cry for help. It is supposed
to be a humorous view of self reflection of the Audiophile
Hobby. These Statements are supposed to be over the top as
excessive exaggerations, no relation to reality-pathetic
or not! My Reference to Audiophilia as an obsession, like
smoking or alchoholism, is an exaggeration. Point wasn't
to insult those with serious smoking/alcohol problems, but to exaggerate the obsessiveness of Audiophilia by comparison. Pathetic is ruining a simple Joke, by having to explain it. There is nothing else pathetic here, because
none of it is real. It is all an exaggeration. You are
aware that this is simply an exercise-Right? Say, "Now
you do"!
Hotmailjbc-and where is the punchline in "Pathetic"? You
get alot of laughs calling the Audience "Pathetic" in
stand up comedy? It is not an exaggeration, it is a reversal, and it is pathetic. Pathetic is a snide remark,
see how I used it? Nothing humorous about it. These entries are self inspection, or self deppreciation. Your
comment applies to everyone else, but you. I am not offended, I don't really even care! It is just the anti-thesis of humor-it just isn't funny. Sorry if you take that
personnal, wasn't meant to be. My use of Pathetic, at the
beginning of this Entry, is just to show the lack of humor.
Again, nothing personnal. Exaggeration won't change that.
Doesn't matter whose exaggeration it is, it is how it is used.
Go find some Customer Service in PC Audio-now THAT was
funny! I got one, how about if I look for some CONVENIENCE
to go with that Customer Service? How about if I look for
some Customer Service from a PC Audio Manufacturer RATHER than from another PC Audio Customer? Your killing me-Hotmailjbc! Who says that PC Audio Lunatics have no sense of humor? "Take my Wife, my PC Audio Customer Service, and loads of my own Money-PLEASE"! I will even pay PC Audio
Manufacturer to take all of them off of my hands, because I am a Loony Toons PC Audio Lunatic! I will arbitrate any
Labor dispute negotiations, any takers? I make such a good
Defense Attorney, I will even go to Jail with you for a
very-very-very long time! I promise!
Audiophiliac- unrealistic fear of Audio Equipment.
Audiophile- unrealistic lack of fear around smoking Audio
Equipment. Typically characterized by charred black carbon
covering Audiophiles face. "I like the smell of a smoked
Amplifier in the morning. It reminds me of......the last
scene in THE RIGHT STUFF"!
As long as sqeakiest wheel gets all of the grease, Wagon is
rolling along just fine. I think that it is past due for
me to get involved in DIY. Time to get hands dirty, smoke
a few Amps, and learn something for a change! Paying someone else a real big hunk of change to enjoy all of
that fun-NUTS!