You know you're an audiophile if--

You just got a pair of speakers you can barely move yourself (inverse proportionality with age probably too)

The first house you bought cost less than your current stereo investment (ditto)

You have boxes of cables with which you don't know what to do

Showing 6 responses by geoffkait label all of your CDs either IP (in polarity) or OOP (out of polarity).
Mapman wrote,

""after changing anything possible - start playing with fuse direction ..."

How true. Anything possible.

Sadly, I lie to experiment with anything possible for sure, but I do not have time to waste, so I choose my experiments carefully."

Hey, Mapman, I'm pretty sure this is not supposed to be a serious thread. You can go back to your BarcoLounger now.
You know you're an audiophile if it takes more than half an hour to treat a CD.
If you have a big bunch of RCA Living Stereo CDs but never play them.
If you're pretty sure your system actually sounds worse than it did last week. And you remember thinking the same thing last week.