You know you're an audiophile if--

You just got a pair of speakers you can barely move yourself (inverse proportionality with age probably too)

The first house you bought cost less than your current stereo investment (ditto)

You have boxes of cables with which you don't know what to do

Showing 6 responses by devilboy

If it's the dead of winter and you turn off your heater because you can hear it while you're would rather freeze.
I had a dream last night I was playing chess and all the chess pieces were miniature speakers. The queen was an Estelon speaker. The knight was a Wilson Sasha and the rook was a vintage quad ESL.
Sorry Bill_k. By the time I went to respond to this thread I forgot the rest of the pieces. Lol. On a similar note, I constantly see things related to audio in every day life. I'll look at a dinner plate at a certain angle and see a woofer in my mind. Or, one time my niece had one of those bendable plastic straws and the way it was bent looked like a tonearm. Ha!
When you have a reoccurring nightmare about a component you foolishly sold. Over....and....over....and...over.
You take money out of your retirement funds to buy audio equipment.

(deep breath and exhale)......yup.