You can only take 5 albums to a deserted Island...

But there is a world class system there for your use.  Leaving many favorites behind but I must have:

Yes - Close to the Edge
Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet
Robin Trower - Bridge of Sighs
Neil Young - Everybody Knows this is Nowhere
John Lee Hooker - Mr. Lucky


Showing 3 responses by chuck929

The Clash - London Calling
Brian Eno - The Shutov Assembly
Sugar Cubes - Life's Too Good
Yes - Close Too The Edge
Jimi Hendrix  - Axis: Bold as Love
I've done this so many times in my head over the years. Wish I would have written and saved them. In no paticular order:
Pink Floyd - Meddle
Led Zeppelin - II
David Bowie - Alladin Sane
T. Rex - The Slider
Rolling Stones - Exile on Main Street
Lustmord - Rising (to keep unfriendlies away)
Steve Roach - The Magnicent Void
Frank Sinatra - The Capitol Collection

Your next eight?

Sevs, maybe it doesn't hold up the best, but Demons and Wizards and Magician's Birthday still find their way into my rotation. Sweet Lorraine!