Yggdrasil OG dac anologue 2 possible problem

I’ve been using this dac for a few weeks as my primary headphone dac for the hd800s. It sounds great, the details are well separated and clear. The soundstage is open. Unfortunately I’ve had an issue that has been bothering me.

I currently stream all of my music primarily from tidal and spotify as a backup. When the sample rate changes from song to song I will hear a click come from the yggdrasil dac which sounds like a solenoid flipping and the lights will change to indicate the sample rate has changed. Unfortunately on occasion when this happens,  I will hear audio come through only my right headphone driver for a quarter second before both drivers play evenly. The volume will be very low in the righ driver for a quarter second then I will hear the click and then the volume will play through both drivers at the normal rate.

This is mostly an infrequent issue but it has happened to me frequently the past few days. It happens often if I am listening to master quality off of tidal and then open spotify or watch a youtube video. Has anyone else experienced this?

It has began to become incredibly annoying and I am trying to find a way to prevent it.


Showing 1 response by curiousjim

Not sure there’s anything you can do.  I have a BiFrost and it clicks.  I also have a Denafrips Pontus ll and it also clicks, but nowhere as loud.

All the best.