Yamamoto YDA-01 DAC

Where / How can I purchase a Yamamoto YDA-01 DAC in NA? I emailed Yamamoto Sound Craft Corp but never got a reply. I don't speak Japanese and was hoping they can read English. LOL!!!

Showing 12 responses by charles1dad

I know precisely what you mean. The Yamamoto DAC has the same affect in my system as when I got my 300b SET amplifier.  Immediately it was apparent that the music listening became more natural, realistic and undeniably more emotionally involving.

As you note, no thought to analyze or critique various audiophile sonic parameters.  The overwhelming desire was simply listening to the music and connecting with the musicians and performers. After all these years that has not changed even a small bit.
Off the top of my head I don’t remember and I’m not at home now. I ’think’ a short length 3 amp slow blow. There should be a spare fuse at the IEC site on the rear of the DAC. It has been a number of years ago when I installed a SR black fuse that’s still in there. It was clearly an improvement.

I’d get the orange fuse and I believe that you will be very pleased. Install it , listen and then reinstall in the other direction. One direction is nearly always better sounding than the other. Upgrade fuses as you know are a controversial topic. In my experience with numerous components they are a definite improvement.

Audiogon member david_ten recently placed some SR Orange fuses in some of his components and says they're fantastic!  I trust David's ears/judgement. He has a superb audio system that reveals all.
“They sound too HFi and not natural at all”
Yep, I completely understand and agree 100%. Again that’s why I have had this DAC for so many years. It just sounds right playing all types of music. I believe you are going to love your Raven amplifier/NOLA pairing.

I bought them at the "Parts connecxion",  so the Hegel was replaced by the Yamamoto and Raven combo? I imagine that  resulted in a different sonic character and presentation. 
The capacitors are a pretty easy installation for someone handy with a soldering iron. The Duelund CAST are quite large but there's plenty of interior space (the YDA-01 is built with a very low parts count) . Most likely why it sounds so good,  very simple circuit with minimal parts. I know that it sounds wonderful with your Raven Nighthawk. You have a really nice audio system. 

Hi devilboy,

No Lundahl modification. I just had a local tech replace the stock 
output coupling caps (which  are very good) with the Duelund CAST copper foil capacitors. This was done quite some time ago (6 years or so) and the CAST pair cost about 450.00 at that time. . Worth every penny IMHO.

Absolutely agree with your listening impressions. Beautifully natural, instruments and voices just sound right. Yamamoto has not modified or changed anything with this DAC since its introduction more than 10 years ago. When the sound is pure and natural there's  no need to tamper with the product.

I've had mind for probably  8 or 9 years (maybe even longer). I was very happy with the stock DAC and only changed the caps due to my success /happiness with the CAST caps placed in my speaker's crossover done about a year prior.  I've heard quite a few very well regarded DACs through the years but not one of them has given me the urge to replace the  simple Yamamoto YDA-01. It has stood the test of time. It just  flies under the radar.


I agree, often it's better to maximize what you have than constantly changing components on the upgrade path.
If you`re happy with what you have there`s no compelling reason to change. I think you would have really enjoyed the Yamamoto DAC but obviously you don`t need both DACs.
Good luck with your speaker quest.
When I got my Yamamoto DAC in JAN. 2010 I was so impressed with its sound I sent Shigeki Yamamoto an email expressing my gratitude. I received a reply within days in english(it was very gracious).Samuel Furon of Ocellia does carry this line in Canada.I`m not sure if he`s the North American distributor however.
I can understand your interest,superb redbook CD playback. It`s an 'exceptionally' pure and natural sounding DAC that goes pretty much unoticed in this country.
Hi Knghifi,
The YDA DAC lacks USB and has but a single RCA input i.e. it has little flexibility and frills.It seemingly was built for only one purpose, pure music reproduction and the emotional beauty it provides when things are kept natural and the emphasis is centered on realism.

Mr. Yamamoto avoids op-amps and any trace of NFB in his DAC.His power supply is very stout and regulated and the transformer he uses is significantly over specified for DAC duty. The output stage is ultra simple and direct.

The result is organic -holistic beauty and truth.Tone,timbre and harmonics are dead on accurate(tonality really matters to me). This DAC extracts the best from CDs(but it won`t make crap sound good). I`ve heard some very good and well regarded CD players/DACs but the Yamamoto is IMO one of the very best.I have the SS version, there is a tube YDA also.6 Moons reviewed both and in the tubed version review there are many comparisions between both(conclusion, he felt both are superb with subtle differences).Which one are you interested in?
I believe you`ll be very happy with it. I`m surprised you`re aware of this DAC as it`s seldom talked about much. It really does fly under the audiophile radar.
The USA distributor for Yamamoto is found at ratocsystems.com They`re located in Santa Clara, CA.