Yamaha ns 5000


thinking about purchasing these speakers. Will be used in a near field environment powered with esoteric 30wpc class a

Others on short list KEF ref 1 meta and focal utopia iii stand mount


any adv, suggestions appreciated 




Showing 2 responses by steve59

Regarding break in... I noticed music during the dat was much more difficult to enjoy than evening listening and eventually pulled out my trusty realistic analog DB meter to find ambient noise (in my basement) was nearly 20 db louder in the day 60 db, compared to mid 40's at night. I'm not dismissing speaker break in, just offering another possibility. 

The ns 5000 looks promising and I was also interested. I believe you can get a 30 day return policy with purchase. I bought a pair of blade’s because sometimes I like to listen at concert levels and now am hooked on the blades. If mine sell I’ll upgrade to the meta but if not that’s good too.