Yamaha NS-1000M

Let me know if you have or have listened to these speakers. I have owned a pair for the past 2-3 months and they are really nice. I own a pair of Pinnacle Aerogels that don't have quite the detail or quickness in the midrange and tweeter. I have not heard speakers this nice under $2-2,500. Really unbelievable!

Showing 1 response by drubin

I owned them for a year or two around 1976-77. Replaced with Quads. I don't think I ever powered them properly and, back in that day, we didn't know about putting them up on stands, break in, etc.. They really captured my fancy when I auditioned them (much as Avalons did 20 years later), but I came to feel that they sounded rather artificial and metallic and too "present", though you could adjust the levels on the mid and tweet. I blew out more than one tweeter, too. Great bass, though. Sealed box, right?

Would love to hear again in a modern system.