XLR & RCA caps

Does anyone use caps on the unused inputs and outputs of your components? can you hear a difference? does anyone use products like audioquests XLR caps? http://www.audioquest.com/audio-enhancements/xlr-noise-stopper-caps
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Showing 2 responses by nonoise

After reading the responses, I'm going to look into these caps. Elizabeths comments on how the video images improved goes great lengths to show that though our ears may play tricks on us, our "lying eyes" can discern things more easily and is repeatable.

If video images improve with these, then there has to be something going on with these RCA inputs acting as conduits, of sorts, to some kind of interference which play havoc with the sound.

All the best,
Thanks for the post and the link. At those prices, it won't break the bank.

All the best,