XLR interconnects

I read that XLR interconnects can maintain the signal over longer distances therefore it is ideal to use an XLR interconnect over rca unbalanced cables. Why then do you see cable manufacture companies produce 0.5 m, 1m, 2m, 3m interconnects for audio gear? What is difference over a 1m, 2m, 3m rca unbalanced cable? Is there any sound differences?


Showing 6 responses by 2007audioman

Hi randy-11

Yes in the end I would have to have an audition at my local dealers to see if I can hear a difference for sure. Thanks for your information.

So the trick is to ensure your components are fully balanced in order to hear any differences at all even with shorter run cables. This is what I'm gathering from the comments above here. Reason I ask is that I will be getting a preamp that has XLR outputs and would consider using them if it truly makes a difference in sound over unbalanced. If not, then I'll stick with unbalanced cables and just enjoy the music. 
Hi sfall..the only preamp I'm looking at right now is the Rotel RSP 1582. I'm waiting for the new boards to be installed at the factory so its just a simple plug and play when I do pull the trigger. Is Rotel gear truly balanced from their preamps to power amps? The RSP 1582 has balanced XLR inputs on it as well. 

Hi sfall
Thanks for your comments and looking up the specs on the RSP 1582. I will be picking up the RSP 1582 in the near future. I have no plans on adding Dolby Atmos and DTS: X at this time and will just build a 7.1 setup instead. I may wait to decide which cable I should get although my dealer is offering me a nice deal for the unbalanced Audioquest Water rca interconnect cables. The comments on here from other members is much appreciated for sure. I'm still on the fence about it but may just stick with unbalanced interconnects. One thing is I always have the option of converting these to XLR interconnects at anytime. 

I hear you both on the locking portion of XLR connectors. I had some rca interconnects that were loose fitting. Although they didn’t’t come out I would question the build quality of the interconnect. Of course I could’ve just returned it, but felt as long as it doesn’t come loose I was willing to take that chance and live with it. Its all good and no problems even now.

Musicfx..so did you regret your purchase? I use AQ King Cobras right now and they sound fine for me and my Rotel gear. From all I’ve read cables are system dependent and subjective in terms of what one hears and is happy with what they hear as well(but lets not start that debate as the focus is on XLR's and the differences between unbalanced and balanced). I’m looking forward to AQ Water interconnects balanced for now. I’ll go that route until I can see if my dealer will let me borrow a pair of AQ XLR Water interconnects and make a comparison for myself. Also it is the best I can afford right now anyways is the Water interconnects plus I like AQ products and have them in my current system and am happy with them. 
