XLR Connector Comparison

Has anyone done a head to head comparison between different XLR connectors and have impressions to share?

Furutech vs Vampire vs Xhadow vs other

bronze/gold copper/gold rhodium plated other alloy combinations


Showing 2 responses by johngp

I agree with Redkiwi. I've build quite a few cables with different XLR connectors and my least favorite is Neutrik. The reason "most mfg's use them" is cost related, they can easily be had for about five bucks a piece. I'm not saying cost is the only factor, only saying that sometimes you get what you pay for.

I've found the Vampire and Furutechs to be superbly designed plugs that are easy to work with, have a superior strain relief design and offer solid performance. The Bocchino plugs are nice but overly priced for what they are but, the Furutechs are a bit pricey as well.
My biggest complaint on the Neutriks doesn't come from their performance but rather comes from a mfg's point of view and it's the strain relief design. Working with a "clamping" type strain relief vs the Neutrik "twisting" type of strain relief can be a royal pain to work with and I've had problems using that type in the past. The plugs sound fine and lock into place fine(though not as solid as some other plugs), I just don't like working with them. To much risk of something going wrong later on down the road. Of course this is just my opinion and you know what they say about those.... ;)
