XLO Reference 5 vs XLO Signature 5.1

I have problem choosing XLO speaker cable. Can you describe differences between Reference Type 5 and Signature Type 5.1 (both older version). I heard Ultra 6 only (fast, transparent, smooth) but i hope that Type 5 and Type 5.1 will be ...? Thanks.
Thanks! Yours opinion was very important for me. In Europe the XLO isn't popular firm and difficult to find something about XLO's cables. Today I decided to buy XLO Reference Type 5.
type 5 is extremely good especially at its going prices their really isn't a big difference between it and the signature 5.1 cables they are a Little bit more transparent soundings and the upper bass has more weight and better definition and the highs are more refined sounding but the difference probably isn't really worth the cost difference the type 5 was a standard setting cable when it came out it is very good cable you won't be disappointed I'm sure you could always sell it again if not happy with it.
Hello. I own the Ultra12's and Reference 5a. Both are incredible cables for the money. The 5a is more refined, smoother and yet more detailed, with better highs, and bass is slightly tighter. My ultra12's blew away Kimber 4tc and 8tc by the way.......